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Backyard Monsters Error / failure to initialize "oops something broke"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How To Remove Error "oooops something broke"
Now, this is a very common encounter for those regular and not so regular players of Backyard Monsters (BYM). It's bee there for quite some time now so I wanted to shed a little light to those who encounter this game error "oops something broke" warning sign.

Error says it that this message appears whenever you are having problems either on the speed of your internet (slow) connection, having your account signed in to 2 different places or computers at the same time and the computer memory is running out so the speed of loading time is getting too slow.

Another fact which is directly from regular players is that this error happens when you try to collect your shiny rewards via quest.

Possible Remedy / Solutions:

Be sure that you have a higher internet memory or upgrade your PC. Second remedy could be to reset your internet connection or be sure to play when the server is not so full of players meaning, the time you open your account with Backyard Monsters is the time when very few are expected to play. The third remedy / solution you could employ is to make sure your account is not open elsewhere or you should not trust your account with anybody else. (Hacking of your account could also lead to this error message).

The last resort tip I could give you is to try using Google Chrome when you load the game itself. A faster browser could lead to fix this problem but this is a rare case which many have also found effective in wanting to collect rewards without getting in trouble of having an error message "oooops something broke". Good luck!

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